WE Build
connections amongst women through our shared and diversified experiences.
WE Strengthen
Gyrlfriend relationships by connecting, supporting, and uplifting each other in all of our endeavors.
WE Are
A safe space where women can share personal experiences through writing,
Empowering other women to grow along with us.
a collective of multi-talented, multi-faceted women.
What is The Gyrlfriend Code?
A code is a system of principles or rules. The Gyrlfriend Code is a collection of unspoken principles we use to govern ourselves, expectations and the relationships we ultimately have with our gyrlfriends. Identifying and understanding varying perspectives on Gyrlfriend Code, even if it is not one that you subscribe to, helps strengthen our ability to maintain long lasting relationships.
What started off as a way to engage with other women on a social level, has transformed into a flourishing platform offering opportunities for women to collectively share experiences and advice that has enriched their lives and the relationships shared with their gyrlfriends.
We put effort into every other relationship we have: with our families, spouses, even the relationships we have at work. Although we have the potential to have the longest relationship with our gyrlfriends, this has consistently been the relationship we are quickest to abandon. This is the rationale behind the “y” in the spelling of our organization’s name and growing movement.
The Gyrlfriend Collective movement and The Gyrlfriend Code represent the sum total of our voices ready to change the narrative on gyrlfriend relationships.
"So what can be more important than one's gyrlfriends? I'll tell you what. It's survival."
"Gyrlfriend It's Not About You" - Dr. Marquita Smith Blades, The Gyrlfriend Code Vol. 1, Visionary Author